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퀴즈 : 영어판을 보고 몇권, 또는 무슨 편인지 맞추시오 - 5
안젤레네 | L:24/A:25 | LV20 | Exp.48%
| 0-0 | 2013-02-13 14:06:20 | 265 |
[숨덕모드설정] 게시판최상단항상설정가능

Normally thinking, chances are good that someone is Accelerator. However, Kihara doesn't get it.
As long as Accelerator did not use his abilities, he's even weaker than a normal highschool
student. Without any trickery, there's no way he could even endure a grenade blast.
Kihara finds it improbable that Accelerator's [Reflection] reactivated on its own for some reason.
Dust is sticking on the arm used to grab him. If [Reflection] is working, even tiny dust should
have been blown back.
"Why this..."
However, surely it's Accelerator standing there.
White-haired, red-eyed, well-ordered looks, prominent skin, thin framed, has a neck choker,
grey-dyed clothing, somewhat skinny hands and feet, shiny black shoes,
**Kihara is screaming as he ignores all these.**
"What is happening here, he has pitch-black wings growing from his back!?"
It's more close to jet-stream than so-called wings.
Unidentifiable plumes of jet-stream that's so dark, even light is being swallowed by it.
Kihara's witnessing an [Angel]. Even he can understand he had a hand in its appearance.
Nevertheless, he can't for sure recognize the phenomenon occurring before his very eyes.







신약 4권부터 영어본좀 주세요 현기증 난단 말이에요


반대 0
[숨덕모드설정] 게시판최상단항상설정가능
라플로 [L:3/A:533] 2013-02-13 14:07:34
고민 [L:14/A:271] 2013-02-13 14:07:42
쿠로네코퍼즐맞추셔야죠 여기서이러면 곤란합니다
안젤레네 [L:24/A:25] 2013-02-13 14:08:02
라플로 [L:3/A:533] 2013-02-13 14:12:06
시즈링 [L:37/A:397] 2013-02-13 14:08:09
김디지몬 [L:40/A:448] 2013-02-13 14:10:55
킬러퀸 [L:7/A:108] 2013-02-13 14:15:17
13권 검은날개 발현할때
메루메루 [L:40/A:18] 2013-02-13 16:04:20
30일 이상 지난 게시물, 로그인을 하시면 댓글작성이 가능합니다.
츄잉은 가입시 개인정보를 전혀 받지 않습니다.
즐찾추가 규칙 숨덕설정 글10/댓글1
[일반] 사실 피암마가 [7]
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[일반] 카미조가 여자복이 많은건 [7]
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[일반] 카미죠한테 [7]
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[일반] 음 되려나 이게 [15]
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[일반] 여기 하나더 도착했어 [10]
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[일반] 초전자포 코믹스 재탕하다 생각난건데 [5]
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[일반] 금게에 있던 6권 스포를 다시 읽어봤는데 [16]
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[일반] 엑셀레어퀄에 유리코를 넣죠 [11]
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[일반] 신약 6권을 드디어 다 읽었습니다. [11]
콘다살앙☆ | 2013-02-13 [ 423 / 0-0 ]
[일반] 아 식봉이 아깝긴한데 [25]
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[일반] 실비아 무기가 로프인듯;; [20]
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[일반] 여기 사이퍼즈 하시는분이 꾀 잇나바여 [11]
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[일반] 신약 4권인가 5권인가 이캐들 이름 먼가영? [18]
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[일반] 어제 재탕한 제3차세계대전 몇가지 꺼내보기도 [3]
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[일반] JC의 흔한 배경퀼.jpg [24]
킬러퀸 | 2013-02-13 [ 2664 / 10-0 ]
[일반] 그렇지요 [4]
라플로 | 2013-02-13 [ 241 / 0-0 ]
[일반] 금서게 여러분 질문이 있는데요 [10]
브리스 | 2013-02-13 [ 356 / 0-0 ]
[일반] 거래관련 글은 캐자게에서 하시는게 좋으실텐뎅 [5]
화랑 | 2013-02-13 [ 249 / 0-0 ]
[일반] 비석은 어떻게해야 타인의 손에 들어갈까요 [5]
안젤레네 | 2013-02-13 [ 279 / 0-0 ]
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