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[판타스틱 포] 초기 시놉시스
ANG타마마 | L:0/A:0 | LV60 | Exp.94%
| 0-0 | 2015-08-22 18:51:30 | 353 |
[숨덕모드설정] 게시판최상단항상설정가능


Ben is still Reed’s muscle, keeping him safe.


Sue is working with a Dr. Elder, who is on the cutting edge of his biology field making “moloids.”


There’s no older Dr. Storm character. Sue calls her brother as a last resort when they’re about to take their trip to the Negative Zone.


Victor Von Doom is actually a spy for his homeland of Latveria and is leaking Reed’s research to them.


When the team uses their Quantum Gate, it’s because their school refuses to let them use it.


When they go into the Negative Zone, they find an alien city with its entire population dead. They also find their destroyer: GALACTUS.


Galactus seemingly kills Victor with Dark Matter, then blasts the Quantum Gate. The resulting reaction effects the entire team, giving them their powers.


Johnny becomes a reality TV star, Sue goes back to medicine, Reed is trying to sell the FantastiCar to Toyota, and Ben is working for the military.


Meanwhile, Lavteria creates their own Quantum Gate and sends a team through. Only Doom returns, however, and takes over the country with his powers. He is now Galactus’ herald.


Sue has been trying to cure Ben, but it isn’t working.


Victor’s people attack Sue and Johnny. During the fight, Dr. Elder is accidently transformed into the Mole Man.


A Moloid comes into contact with dark matter and becomes a giant creature. It fights The Thing in the middle of New York.


The third act of the film has the team discovering what Doom is up to. They team together to stop him. What they don’t know is Doom is building a massive Dark Energy canon to destroy Galactus.


Doom is trapped in the Negative Zone and the Fantastic Four become a team dedicated to stopping the oncoming threat of Galactus.



물론 이 시놉시스는 돈이 든다는 이유로 짤렸다.




출처: http://bbs2.ruliweb.daum.net/gaia/do/ruliweb/default/av/193/read?articleId=1825526&bbsId=G003&itemGroupId=3&pageIndex=1

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[숨덕모드설정] 게시판최상단항상설정가능
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