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[핫토이] 어벤져스: AOU - 아티스트 믹스 피규어 by TOUMA
ANG타마마 | L:0/A:0 | LV32 | Exp.61%
| 0-0 | 2015-05-09 10:01:40 | 1169 |
[숨덕모드설정] 게시판최상단항상설정가능

The highly stylized Hot Toys Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron Artist Mix Figures Designed by TOUMA (Series 1) has been popular upon its release especially in Hong Kong where they are sought after by fans of different ages!

Today, Hot Toys is pleased to continue the collaboration with Japanese artist TOUMA* and present the new Avengers: Age of Ultron Artist Mix Figures Designed by TOUMA (Series 2) to bring more characters from the movie re-imagined in the special art form!

This second series will include Iron Man Mark XLV, which is the first Hot Toys collectible figure based on this new armor from the movie, Thor, Vision, Iron Legion, and The Incredible Hulk!

A special Deluxe Set of 5 is also available which will feature the first four aforementioned characters plus a special Rampaging Hulk that is only available in this set.

Each Artist Mix Figure has a bobble-head and stands approximately 13cm tall (Hulk/Rampaging Hulk stand approximately 14.5cm tall) and perfectly combines the movie characters’ designs with TOUMA’s distinctive art style!

These Artist Mix Figures are great artistic complements to your shelves, desk, or dashboard!

*More about Touma:
Touma is a Japanese toys character designer. He started his career at a video game company 10 years ago. In 2001, he established his own workshop and started to become a figurine artist. He had his solo exhibitions and autograph sessions not only in Japan, but also in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and America. He collaborated with many major brands such as MONSTER HUNTER, STAR WARS, TRANSFORMERS, AVP, GODZILLA, POWER RANGERS, and more.

Recently, Touma and his 3D animation partner Shiroma collaborated with Hot Toys for the first time to ignite the Artist Mix Collection series to further expand the diversity of mini figures collection. The series is based on the 2015 Marvel Studios blockbuster, Avengers: Age of Ultron, which perfectly blends the iconic characters with Touma’s unique design style.





출처: http://bbs2.ruliweb.daum.net/gaia/do/ruliweb/family/1359/read?articleId=1716171&bbsId=G003&itemId=17&pageIndex=1

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