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진격의 거인 공식영어더빙 5화 script입니다.
Crowding | L:0/A:0 | LV3 | Exp.62%
| 1-0 | 2014-06-10 19:47:19 | 762 |
[숨덕모드설정] 게시판최상단항상설정가능

어느 한 유투브 이용자가 친절하게 tv에 영어자막이 나오는 상태로 (원래는 시청각자를 위한 것이겠지만) 녹화를 하셔서 대사를 직접 ms world파일에 타이핑쳤습니다. 이를 복사하여  여기에다가 올려보도록 할께요.


출처동영상은 바로 아래에 있구요



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{ SYSTEM : (안내) '{$i}'는 사용이 불가능한 태그입니다. 2024-06-04 02:23:30 }
{ SYSTEM : (안내) '{$i}'는 사용이 불가능한 태그입니다. 2024-06-04 02:23:30 }
{ SYSTEM : (안내) '{$i}'는 사용이 불가능한 태그입니다. 2024-06-04 02:23:30 }

Episode 5


Narrator: in the year 845, two terrifying new breeds of titan appeared: the Colossal and the Armored, barreling through the outer walls as if wholesale construction was child’s play. The territory couched within the circle of Wall Maria was abandoned. Twenty percent of the human race perished. As the titan onslaught advanced, our only choice was to withdraw behind wall Rose.

Five years later, in the year 850… Mankind didn’t start this light


Eren: but we’re gonna finish it! Mounted cannon squad four, Take out the Colossal Titan! This is our chance! Don’t let it slip away! (seeing the Colossal titan) You, it’s been a while.


[First Battle]


Eren: Son of a bitch, He took out the cannons! The gate was no accident then, He.. He planned it. He has intelligence! All the more reason not to waste this moment! Without him, the other titans have nothing! I’ve gotta take him down!


Eren: Damn it! Take this! …. How did I miss? What the? Did he just vanish into this air?


Thomas: Eren! Where’d he go? Did he got away or’d you take him out?


Eren: He’s gone! Exactly like five years ago. He’s here one moment and gone the next: just like that. 


Eren: I’m sorry, I…


Thomas: Don’t apologize, look at us. We were too scared to move.


Conny: Hey! Wallow on your on time! In case you hadn’t noticed, there’s a breach. we have to act now! If they start pouring in, that’s it!


Elite: Look alive! Operation Colossal Titan Response is in effect. I expect you to take part! Report to HQ! If you got close to the damn thing, we need details!


Eren, Thomas, Conny: Sir!


Conny: We pray the advance team will be victorious!



[bell rings]


Elite: pare down! Take only what you need to survive! File through as calmly as possible!


Elite: You understand what we’re facing. If they get through, we’ll have a repeat of five years ago.

Consider this the last line of defense! The Titans get held off here or nowhere! Prepare to intercept! Fire!


Elite: Soldiers Charge!


Elite: Out of the frying pan and into the fire, cadets! Time to put your training to work! I have faith each of you will be a credit to your regiment!


Franz: I promise we’ll get through this. You’re safe as long as I’m beside you.


Hanna: Franz


Eren: Armin, What’s wrong?


Armin: I…. Don’t  worry, I’m fine. Just give me a second for my nerves to settle. This is bad, isn’t it?

There’s a hole in the wall eight meters wide and we don’t even remotely have the engineering-know-how to plug it. That huge boulder near the front gate was our best bet. But we couldn’t figure out how to hoist it in place. Unless we seal the breach, the entire city’s as good as dead! How long do you think before they take wall Rose? Seriously, how long? Think about it. Any time the mood strikes them. They can wipe out the human race in an afternoon!


Eren: Armin! Listen to me. You’re focused on the past. Look ahead. We’re not gonna be the victims anymore!


Armin: Sorry, I… I’m okay.


[in a palace]


Man: Come now, take this seriously very well, Yet another victory is mine. Dear oh Dear, one would think our monthly rows would see at least some modest improvement in your approach to the game, Pixis.


Pixis: one would think so yes, Clearly my brain is inferior to yours, lord Wald.




Wald: Such obsequiousness from the single highest-ranking officer in the southern territory. Tell me seriously. How can you hope to thwart the titan..


Elite: Commander Pixis, sir! I bring news!


Wald: I beg your pardon, young man.


Elite: The Colossal Titan has laid siege to the city of Trost! Reports say the gate has been destroyed!


Pixis: ah, this vintage is worthy of your good taste. One man of action to another, I obsequiously accept it as a gift.


Wald: Where are you going? Pixis, wait! You can’t just march off! I command you to stay! Preparations must be made! Assemble your troops and establish a garrison around my estate this instant! Damn it all, It’s your sworn duty to defend us!


Pixis: Lord Wald, Sir, Untold numbers of our brave comrades-in-arms are laying down their lives in defense of Trost as we speak.


female soldier: Commander, I’ll go ready the horses, Sir.


Pixis: When the dust has settled, there may well be more graves than people to dig them. An astronomical number of lives snuffed out in a twinkling.


Wald: Yes, well no help for it, is there? If it’s their time. Besides, what earthly good can the presence of a man who persistently loses to me at chess do for them now? Why not remain where I can assist you?


Male soldier: your lordship, if I may speak freely should the commander actually face a titan in battle, he won’t feel compelled to play down his skill as he does with you.


Pixis: That’s enough. Soldier. Good day, sir. I wish you another opulently appointed day of sloth and tranquility.


Wald: Please don’t go. Don’t do this to me! Please Pixis, I’m begging you Pixis!


Verman: From 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM EVERY DAY. As practiced, All squadrons are responsible for supply –running, message relay and enemy combat under the command of the Garrison Regiment!

The intercept squadron will be taking the vanguard. Cadets will be taking the middle guard, led by the support squad, rear guard will go to the elites. I expect you all to man your posts knowing the Advance Team has been wiped out. That’s right: the outer gate is history. The Titans are in. This means the “Armored Titan” is likely to reappear. If and when he does, the inner gate will also be history.


A soldier: is this real?


Thomas: pleas be a dream

Other soldier: God, what if the bastards manage to bust through Wall Rose?


Verman: Quiet! Those in the vanguard, be ready! The whole area is well-nigh saturated. Your mission is a very simple one: Defend the wall ‘till the evacuation’s done! Now. Be aware, all of you, that desertion is punishable by execution! If it comes to it, lay down your lives! Dismissed!


All Cadets: Sir!


Jean: why’d this have to happen, now? Just one more day and I’d have been heading for the interior!


Christa: You gonna be alright?


Some cadets: Please, no.


[Jean and Eren bump into each other]

Jean: Move it!


Eren: What the hell, man? What’s wrong with you?


Jean: What kindda question is that? We’re all about to be Titan chow. You expect me to sing you a happy little song? You’re loving this. Aren’t you, you little psycho? ‘Course you are! You’re whole life’s aspiration is to be eaten! I was one day shy of shipping off to the MP!


Eren: Jean! Get out of


Jean: NO! Not all of us are suicidal!


Eren: Damn it shut up for second! We’re trained for this! What do you think the last three years were about? We survived. We stared death in the face and we lived. Not everyone can say that, can they? Some people couldn’t take it. And either ran or were thrown out. Hell some people actually died, but not us! Am I right we powered through for three years! What’s  one more day? You can do this, Jean. Alright? The MP will still be waiting for you tomorrow.


Jean: Shit, On your feet, Daz. Stop bawling.


Daz: Um okay.


Mikasa: Eren, If things take a turn for the worse, I want you to come find me, alright?


Eren: What? We’re in completely different squads!


Mikasa: Look. This is gonna get ugly and when it does the plan goes out the window. Come and find me so I can protect you.


Eren: who the hell do you think you are?


Ian: Ackermann, you’re with me. You’ve been assigned to the rear guard on special orders. Let’s get moving.


Mikasa: But, sir! I’m a cadet! I’ll slow everyone down!


Eren: What?


Ian: you’re not being asked for a self –evaluation here. The mass exodus is falling apart. We need as many elite soldiers as possible to get things back on track.


Mikasa: Sir. With all due re--!


Eren: Hey! You’ve been given a direct order! Pull it together, Now! This is bigger than the two of us and you know it! We’re on the verge of extinction here. Have some damn perspective!


Mikasa: you’re right: I’m sorry. This whole situation just has me out of my head. Just promise—

Promise me one thing. Whatever happens, Don’t get yourself killed.


Eren: I hadn’t planned on it, Thanks…. No, I won’t allow myself to get killed. Not until I taste what life is like outside of these godforsaken walls.

Instructor: what surviving historical documents we have access to tell us nothing of the titans’ origin.  Almost everything about them is obscure. Now that isn’t to suggest we’re completely ignorant. Thanks to the efforts of the scout regiment, we do know something of their ecology. Whether Titans possess human-like intelligence is up for debate, of course. And to date there’ve been no reports of high-level communication between them. We do know that Titan physiology is

Fundamentally different than most organic life. As they lack reproductive organs, It’s unclear how they reproduce. Apart from this, to all appearances, their physique resembles the average human male. We also know their body temperatures run quite high. And, baffling though it is, their appetite seems geared exclusively towards human beings. In fact, a titan’s driving principle seems to be this appetite. Given that they’ve subsisted for over a century without access to their only source of nourishment, however, we surmise that these creatures do not in fact, consume us to live. Let that sink in. Titans aren’t motivated by hunger as such. They’re simply in it for the kill.

The terrifying vitality of those creatures is beyond scientific dispute. We have only to consider events of the recent past to see this. Mankind has long possessed cannon technology as you’re aware. But that alone proved tragically insufficient. Even with their heads blown to bits, the Titans persist. Though there is some variability on this score a Titan’s head usually regenerates within two minutes.


Thomas: is that true? As if their size wasn’t frightening enough.


Marco: Excuse me, Sir. Are you basically saying that the titans are immortal?


Instructor: No, I’m not. There is, in fact, one way to ensure death. Strike here. If the back of their neck takes adequate damage, A Titan will not regenerate. This is the chink in the proverbial armor. That, as you may have surmised, is where the flesh-paring blades you see here come in. A good, deep strike with one of these to a Titan’s week spot, and the monster left no time to regenerate. They die and stay dead.


Eren: Look at it this way, Armin. It’s a golden opportunity. I mean if we prove our worth as soldiers right here, we’ll rise up right through the ranks before long we could even be leading our own regiment. We can bypass rookie status altogether!


Armin: Sounds good, I’m with you all the way.


Mina: Now, Now boys. You’re not the only ones in your class. Save some of thory(?) for the rest of us!


Thomas: Good luck beatin’ us to the punch a second time, Eren. No head-starts for you this round!

Eren: is that a challenge?


Thomas: Listen up, Whoever kills the most titans gets bragging rights


Eren: Better not fudge your scores.


Elite: Squadron 34, move out! The vanguard needs support!


Eren: Right! Give them hell!


ALL: Yeah!


Mina: There’s so many of them! The vanguard’s been completely overwhelmed!


Thomas: The vanguard’s been completely overwhelmed!


A cadet: I don’t believe this. Those guys always talk so big!


Eren: I thought things would be hairy, but this… this is insane!

We’ve got an abnormal! Hold up!


[Thomas is eaten by a abnormal]


Eren: you bastard!!


Armin: Eren!


Milieus: Wait! Stay with the group!


Eren: Get back here! You’re gonna pay for killing my friend! You are not getting away! You’re not getting away!


Armin: Eren,


Mina: Oh god, no!


[Milieus screaming]


Milieus: Don’t! Please stop! I don’t want to die!


Armin: Why? Why? My friends are being devoured and all I can do is watch.. What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I move?


[Armin screaming]


Eren: No Armin.


Armin: Eren, Eren


Eren: why are you shouting?


Armin: I found a book my grandpa keeps hidden away! Believe it or not, it’s about life on the outside!

Eren: I really hope this is your idea of a joke. Stuff about the outside world is illegal. Seriously, You could go to jail for that.


Armin: Trust me, you’d change your mind if you know what was actually out there! For example, according to this book, most of the world is covered with salty water so deep you can’t reach the bottom! There’s a name for it, too! They call it “The sea!”


Eren: Like, salty for real? C’mon, you’re making it up. If something valuable like salt was just floating around under water, merchants would’ve scooped it out ages ago !


Armin: That’s the thing! The sea never runs out! It’s that big!


Eren: Yeah, whatever.


Armin: Just bear with me; there’s a lot more than salt. Water that glows like fire; fields of ice; giant rocks that take days to climb. Imagine how huge the outside world must be!


Eren: it does sound really neat


Armin: Okay, you’ve got to promise on your life not to tell anyone. But my parents are, uh—well, they’re going to sneak outside the walls to see for themselves.


Eren: They ‘ll know what it’s like firsthand.


Armin: look at me. We should do it ourselves one day. We can have adventures like the guy who wrote this book.


[Eren gets Armin out of mouth of titan]


Armin: Eren!


Eren: I refuse to die like this, understood? Armin, listen. We’re still going to the outside world. The things you told me about… I have to see them. I have to!!


Armin: Eren! No !!


[Armin screaming]


[Next time]


Narrator: All of a sudden, it’s raining. The sound is so faint, So gentle. The scent so like flowers. Odd how it can remind you of something so horrible.




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[숨덕모드설정] 게시판최상단항상설정가능
아르민 [L:58/A:362] 2014-06-13 15:44:00
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