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DC 코믹스 질문 미카엘과 루시퍼는 준 전능이라 확실히 봐도 되나요?
조우텐치 | L:0/A:0 | LV22 | Exp.87%
| 0 | 2015-05-26 21:41:41 | 605 |
[숨덕모드설정] 게시판최상단항상설정가능


DC코믹스 위키 (데이터 베이스)에는



Relative Omnipotence: The archangel Michael Demuirgos is the second most powerful being in the universe, equaled only by his twin brother, Lucifer, and surpassed only by their father, the God of the Covenant. When an unbound Spectre attempted to break through the doors of heaven in order to take back the soul of Jim Corrigan, it was Michael who defeated the Spectre in battle, and banished him away to another plane. 

Dunamis Demiurgos: In the beginning, Michael was given the Demiurge power by Yahweh, which gave him the ability to enable the physical creation of the cosmos to occur. However, although it was Michael's Demiurge power that created the universe out of nothingness, it was Lucifer who willed it into existence using his infinite will. Michael's only limitation is that he cannot manipulate what he has created, meaning that he cannot give shape to his creation. Only his twin brother, Lucifer, is capable of doing that. Together, Michael and Lucifer are capable of creating entire multiverses. 


전능에 필적(비례)하는 힘: 대천사 미카엘은 우주에서 두번째로 강하면서도 그의 형(루시퍼)와 비슷한 힘을 아버지(프레젠스)로부터 부여받았다


라는데 준 전능이라 봐도 될까요?

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준 전능으로 인정해야 한다
6 Vote (86%) 
아니다 아직은 인정해서는 안된다
 1 Vote (14%)
총투표수 : 7표
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[숨덕모드설정] 게시판최상단항상설정가능
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