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크툴루도 요그 소토스 관련해서 흥미로운 해석 하나 나왔더라
우리형파천 | L:5/A:355 | LV40 | Exp.22%
| 8 | 2022-04-28 01:23:42 | 701 |
[숨덕모드설정] 게시판최상단항상설정가능


러브크래프트는 편지에서 일원론에 대해 언급함. 우주는 영원하고 무한하며 모든 존재는 동일한 하나, 무한한 전체의 측면이라고 실제로 믿었던거 같음


아예 대놓고 헥켈의 일원론을 구체적으로 언급하는데 헥켈의 일원론이 바로 이거임





"Dualism, the widest sense, breaks up the universe into two entirely distinct substances - the material world and an immaterial God, who is represented to be its creator, sustainer and ruler. Monism, on the contrary … recognizes one sole substance in the universe, which is at once "God and nature"; body and spirit (or matter and energy) it holds to be inseparable. The extra-mundane God of dualism leads necessarily to theism; and the intra-mundane God of the monist leads to pantheism. [20]"


"Pantheism teaches that God and the world are one. The idea of God is identical with that of nature or substance … In pantheism God, as an intramundane being, is everywhere identical with nature itself, and is operative within the world as force or energy … Pantheism is the world system of the modern scientist. [288]"


"Pure monism is [not] … identical with the theoretical materialism that denies the existence of spirit and dissolves the world into a heap of dead atoms. On the contrary, we hold with Goethe that "matter cannot exist and be operative without spirit not spirit without matter" … Matter, or infinitely extended substance, and spirit (or energy), or sensitive and thinking substance, are the two fundamental attributes or principal properties of the all-embracing divine essence of the world, the universal substance. [20-21]"


"The universe, or the cosmos, is eternal, infinite and illimitable. Its substance, with its two attributes (matter and energy) fills infinite space, and is in eternal motion. This motion runs on through infinite time as an unbroken development … [13]"



실버키의 관문을 지나서에서 묘사되는 요그 소토스와 완전히 같음

[숨덕모드설정] 게시판최상단항상설정가능
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