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dceu 쌔긴함
군만두 | L:0/A:0 | LV51 | Exp.50%
| 0 | 2022-10-30 17:43:11 | 206 |
[숨덕모드설정] 게시판최상단항상설정가능




Can you explain in detail about the creation of Atlantis?
Jeff White // Building underwater Atlantis was our biggest environment challenge on the show. The design of the city was driven by the art department, first from the production design team and then by ILM’s Art Director, Fred Palacio. James’s vision was for a beautiful city that utilized translucent materials, colorful lights, and organic materials inspired by sea creatures… AKA a rendering nightmare. ILM’s environment team designed over 200 buildings, including the signature jellyfish buildings whose movement mimics real jellyfish. Over 7000 buildings were laid out in districts covering almost 600 sq miles for the action to travel through. One of the challenges with the complex organic designs was that shots quickly became overwhelming and hard to understand. Shot by shot the city was composed for camera with a focus on negative space between the buildings and utilized atmosphere to help separate the layers and focus the eye. To bring the city to life, the environments team laid out traffic guides that the crowd team filled with hundreds ships and in every shot we had coral, sea life, and other natural materials in the shot to ground it in reality.


포세이돈의 힘으로 주조한 아틀란의 창이 폭주했을때 아틀란티스를 바다 속으로 가라앉게 만들었는데 제작팀 인터뷰에 의하면 아틀란티스 면적은  600제곱마일(=1554제곱km)로 서울보다 2.5배가량 넓음

[숨덕모드설정] 게시판최상단항상설정가능
조우텐치 2022-10-30 18:14:50
11신 힘 다 가진 아레스 =< 제우스

제우스는 11신과 전투 가능

어, 이거 완전 타입문?
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