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치즈스츠 | L:0/A:0 | LV7 | Exp.1%
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[숨덕모드설정] 게시판최상단항상설정가능

데가 오릭스 스펙글어느정도임?



영어하면  링크 참조





관리자 현생으로 간거 아는데 일단 읽어줘


배위에서는 하술할 언급으로 Low 1-C, possibly high 1-B 취급인데


오릭스 초월권 유한계층 가능무한 계층일 가능성도 있는데 추측의 영역이여서 제외하고








물질 세계 오릭스


-오릭스는 자신의 힘으로 드레드노트를 운행


-드레드노트가 터지면  에너지로 태양계 삭제된다고 언급


-예전에 자신들의 자매와 달을 부수며 놀았음


-사바툰은 자신의 함대와 블랙홀에 들어갔는데 멀쩡했음






본체 오릭스


-군체와 벡스간의 전쟁에서 군체가 밀릴  돌아와서 혼자서 전황을 역전시킴


-당시 벡스 사령관이던 큐라아는 오릭스를 해석하는데도 실패모든 무기를 이용한 공격도 실패함


-벡스는 오릭스의 힘이 계속 강해지고 있다고 언급했고 실제로 이대로 가다가는 벡스가 멸말할거라는 결론은 도출함


-자신의 분신체로 블랙 가든으로 가는 길을 만듬








왕좌 세계는 우주다(2-C)


Whispered lore and fragmentary theories suggest that Crota represents a distinct class of Hive entities, not resident in our material world. My latest synthesis of this scattered esoterica suggests that Crota's 'home' is a universe created or remade by his power and occupied by Hive organisms of immense age.





Now I fly between green-black suns in the labyrinth beyond Crota’s god-star. This is the Overworld, the Sea of Screams, where the throne-universes of the great Hive fester in eternal majesty. I move among them. I map the shapes and connections of this world.










오릭스의 왕좌 세계는 무한한 크기다





The Thrall demurred, saying that it did not know much of metaphysics.


"Good," said Savathûn. "It's a law of the High Coven that one's sinister plan should be incomprehensible to a Thrall. Do you know why we've come here? If I am to take my tribute from the keeping of secrets… where else are secrets better kept than beneath the event horizon? My brother ruled the flat space of infinity, but I prefer these tide-washed depths… and in time, I shall make them my dominion."


Ur the Ever-Hunger heard this and was pleased.








Low 1-C


-승천 차원에 대해서 보자승천차원과 왕좌 세계의 관계성 = 땅과 건물 느낌이고 승천 차원에는 무한한 왕좌 세계가 존재한다


-왕좌 세계(특히 오릭스) 벡스 네트워크는 비슷함


-벡스는 불가산 무한의 세계선을 만들  있음






Vex can also simulate/create uncountable infinite timelines:


"In that conceptual framework, you see how the Forest, "infinite" in so many ways, is still only a small fraction of the Vex's true capabilities. Imagine the decimal two-point-one repeating. Its precise value is incalculably infinite, and yet you know that beyond its irrational depths waits two-point-two. Two-point-three. Two-point-four…"


"Maya, Chioma, Duane-McNiadh and Shim decide to have a picnic before they send themselves into infinity.


Up here they have to act by biomechanical proxy. No human being in the Ishtar Academy has ever crossed the safety cordon and walked the ancient stone under the Citadel, the Vex construct that stabs up out of the world to injure space and time. It's not safe. The cellular Vex elements are infectious, hallucinogenic, entheogenic. The informational Vex elements are more dangerous yet— and there could be semiotic hazards beyond them, aggressive ideas, Vex who exist without a substrate. Even now, operating remote bodies by neural link, the team's thoughts are relayed through the warmind who saved them, sandboxed and scrubbed for hazards. Their real bodies are safe in the Academy, protected by distance and neural firewall."








Throne Worlds were described as possibly being similar to the Vex Network:


The nature and possible interrelationship of the Vex gate system with Hive netherworlds remains unexplored.








Oryx's throne world was described as being a gate network:


They say the line of uglies comin' out of Oryx's gate network never ends. I'd like to test that.





Oryx's gate network appears infinitely deep, drawing from an infinite battalion of soldiers. A day will come when we destroy it. Until then, we fight whatever emerges.








There is apparently an uncountable infinite number of Throne Worlds in the Ascendant Plane:



Oryx's gate network appears infinitely deep, drawing from an infinite battalion of soldiers. A day will come when we destroy it. Until then, we fight whatever emerges.





Numberless are the spaces that surround the universe. Subordinate and superordinate are their relationships to the intrinsic world-that-is-only-itself. We pass now through analogy space that will reify what was once subject into object. That power I held, which was agonist to a mother's rapprochement, will be realized and reified.


There are an uncountable number of ways to be between zero and two.










High 1-B


피라미디온 이라는 행성 크기의 구조물이 존재하는데  내부에 무한 차원 힐버트 공간이 있다고 직접적으로 언급됨






There is a Pyramidion for every Vex timeline (which we previously established that there is an uncountable infinite amount:


According to Ikora Rey and Asher Mir, the Pyramidion on Io is one of many; every Vex machine world has a Pyramidion, and these structures serve as the Vex's main machinoforming engines. It is also believed that all Pyramidions are intrinsically connected to each other and lead to the same interior space. On at least one occasion, this interior appeared markedly different than was previously recorded, suggesting that it is either capable of reconfiguring its structure or that a Pyramidion may actually lead to one of several common spaces.






Pyramidions possesses an infinite

dimensional Hilbert Space structure within them:


You should now be entering a Hilbert space, if the Taken have not misaligned the Pyramidion’s base geometric intuitions.





I did not sneeze, you fool. It is an infinite dimensional functional space, the Vex often- oh, why am I wasting my breath!










블랙 가든-Black garden


벡스들의 함을 초월한 것이라는 언급이 존재함






The Black Garden transcends even the power of the Vex:


Legends and scant field reports all indicate that the Divisive Vex behave religiously. Why would a hyperintelligent, time-spanning thought mesh exhibit religious behavior? The answer seems as obvious as it is chilling: if the Vex found worship and devotion more effective than any other behavior, they would adopt worship. Whatever the Vex found - or made - in the Garden, it transcends even their power.



[숨덕모드설정] 게시판최상단항상설정가능
반도의서민 [L:57/A:96] 2022-11-06 02:00:24

이거 말고 옛날에 관리자분이랑 어떤 분이 토론한 거 있는데 너무 옛날 글이라 찾으려면 좀 걸릴 것 같네요.
뉘앙스로는 배위 스펙에 거품이 좀 섞여있던 걸로 기억합니다.
치즈스츠 2022-11-06 02:10:12
저 브게 언급은 거품이고 배위에서도 정원사와 키질꾼은 Low 1-A라고 보고있음.

그리고 내가 언급한 거는 Low 1-C 까지에다가 딱히 거품이라고 할만한건 없음, 다 직접적으로 언급되있으니까
로그인을 하시면 댓글작성이 가능합니다.
츄잉은 가입시 개인정보를 전혀 받지 않습니다.
즐찾추가 규칙 숨덕설정 글10/댓글1
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