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현재 초월권 0티어에서 재평가를 거치지 않은 녀석이
파워에이드 | L:0/A:0 | LV11 | Exp.70%
| 0-0 | 2021-07-17 04:55:45 | 539 |
[숨덕모드설정] 게시판최상단항상설정가능

트랜스리얼 시리즈, 언송, 엘더스크롤 정도인듯


일단 괭갈, DC는 떡락, 플래터랜드의 매시버스는 투표로 추방되었다가 스펙글을 통해서 다시 돌아왔고, 트윈픽스는 추방, 크툴루는 최고원형으로 수정해서 새로 등재했었고 남은건 위의 3개 같은데 언송은 따끈따끈한 신입이기도 하고 아직은 판단하기 어려우니 넘긴다면 백색광이 있는 트랜스리얼 시리즈, 엘더스크롤인데 문제는 이녀석들은 자체적으로 브게에서 자료를 찾고 정리를 해서 초월성을 직접 검증하기가 어려울 것 같네요 엘더스크롤은 가능할려나?  

반대 0
[숨덕모드설정] 게시판최상단항상설정가능
반도의군인 [L:57/A:96] 2021-07-17 08:13:23
일단 뭔 서술이 있길래 문두스랑 오블리비언이 고차원 인정받는지도 궁금하네요
우리형파천 [L:18/A:231] 2021-07-17 09:05:40
문두스는 더 큰 무한이고 오블리비언은 그냥 무한 차원이라 그럼
반도의군인 [L:57/A:96] 2021-07-17 09:29:40
그런 서술이 작중에서 직접 나오나요?
작품 특성상 대놓고 차원 언급을 하지는 않을 것 같은데...
우리형파천 [L:18/A:231] 2021-07-17 09:31:15
놀랍게도 나옴
우리형파천 [L:18/A:231] 2021-07-17 09:47:26
Know that there are places beyond Tamriel where the cunning and the wary can go to learn forgotten spells. I speak of the planes of Oblivion. The sea of limitless dimensions contains an endless series of islands. Some are controlled by the mighty Daedric Princes; others are loosely connected to one minor Daedra Lord or another. On these islands, creatures dwell who possess secrets out of time. Some are there of their own volition, but others are banished there for crimes either heinous or imagined.
- Rulantaril’s Notes

디멘션이 직접적으로 언급되는 텍스트. 섬은 플레인에 대한 은유임
우리형파천 [L:18/A:231] 2021-07-17 09:49:26
Transliminal passage of quickened objects or entities without the persistent agency of hyperagonal media is not possible, and even if possible, would result in instantaneous retromission of the transported referents. Only a transpontine circumpenetration of the limen will result in transits of greater than infinitesimal duration.
Though other hyperagonal media may exist in theory, the only known transliminal artifact capable of sustained transpontine circumpenetration is the sigil stone. A sigil stone is a specimen of pre-Mythic quasi-crystalline morpholith that has been transformed into an extra-dimensional artifact through the arcane inscription of a daedric sigil. Though some common morpholiths like soul gems may be found in nature, the exotic morpholiths used to make sigil stones occur only in pocket voids of Oblivion, and cannot be prospected or harvested without daedric assistance.
Therefore, since both the morpholiths and the daedric sigils required for hyperagonal media cannot be obtained without traffic and commerce with Daedra Lords, it is necessary that a transliminal mechanic cultivate a working knowledge of conjuration -- though purpose-built enchantments may be substituted if the mechanic has sufficient invocatory skill. Traffic and commerce with Daedra Lords is an esoteric but well-established practice, and lies outside the compass of this treatise.
- Liminal Bridges

또한 더 높은 차원을 Hyperagonal 이라는 단어로 설명하기도 함. 무한 한번 더 나옴
우리형파천 [L:18/A:231] 2021-07-17 09:51:12
Vestige: Did you enjoy our travels?
Augur of the Obscure: "Did I? Does an oblate cogni-form have infinite angles? Please don't hurt yourself. The answer is yes. It was great. The sights, the smells, the incessant jangle of all your gear on my face. Dream come true, mate!"
Augur of the Obscure: "I've got to admit, I'm a little thrown off by the aesthetic, mate. No un-paintings, less than a thousand angles, hardly any transliminal spheroids…. I don't know. I'd give it a soft "adequate." "

무한한 각도에 대한 설명도 나옴
반도의군인 [L:57/A:96] 2021-07-17 09:52:02
엌, 감사합니다
진짜 나오네요 ㅋㅋ
우리형파천 [L:18/A:231] 2021-07-17 10:04:55
"Think now on the wheel. To all things it appertains.
Is there anything so sacred as the wheel? Like Tamriel Final, the wheel both moves and does not move. Anuvanna'si. The axle sleeps, while the spokes make haste—round and round in reflective circles. Now, here dwells a Nameless secret, child of the Tribunal: does a thing move when it moves in circles?
Motion lies at the heart of the Nirn Ensuing, but not all motion is Nameless. Not all movement earns His blessing.
The Divine Metronome calls the first motion "The Motion of Lines." Line-motion is the motion of simple minds—the motion of weak wills and scholars' vanity. "Forward!" it cries! Forward to the fruits of cheap ambition. Forward to the promise of everlasting kingdoms. Forward to the mirage that the sages call "progress." These misguided pioneers venture out into their wild tomorrows, and the tomorrows after that, certain of their worth—their virtue. But what profits a man or mer to gaze deep into a single future? The aims of mortals are narrow, far too narrow! To move forward is to ignore infinite angles in favor of one. It is the act of a beast or a child. The Clockwork God spurns vanity in the guise of courage. These explorers' travels only lead them farther from Tamriel Final. Anuvanna'si.
Seht speaks of the second motion only in whispers. "The Pendulum" or "Named Oscillation" is the tic-tock motion—the motion of entropy and false hope. None but the Clockwork God may claim its dark power. With each wide swing it shouts Lorkhan's lie. "Hail, intentions divided! Hail, cursed multitudes!" Do not stand in the Pendulum's path, ash-child. Only the Mainspring Ever-Wound may bear its weight.
우리형파천 [L:18/A:231] 2021-07-17 10:06:33
Last is the reciprocating motion. "The Sublime Piston." The lover's embrace. Like the Father of Mystery, it gives and takes in equal measure. As the bow upon the strings, it calls forth the sublime. As the carpenter's saw, it wrenches back and forth, sundering the Named pursuits of lesser mer. Only a Nameless heart may harness its strength. The artist, the star-counter, and the engineer call it "muse." The truth-blind multitudes call it "destroyer." "
- The Truth in Sequence - Volume

무한한 시간 차원에 대한 설명도 나옴. 지금까지 나왔던 차원에 대한 설명과 매우 유사함
반도의군인 [L:57/A:96] 2021-07-17 10:17:54
그러네요 ㅋㅋ
우리형파천 [L:18/A:231] 2021-07-17 09:11:46
언송은 신은 절대적 무한이라고 칸토어가 직접 나와서까지 설명함. 진정한 의미의 절대적 무한은 아닌데 적어도 알레프를 아무리 쌓아올려도 도달 불가능한 기수에는 해당되서 High 1-A.

신의 본질 Aztmus 는 신이 1이고 절대적인 무가 0일때 둘 중 어느 무엇도 아님. 무한과 유한의 이원성조차 초월함. 언송 자체가 카발라에서 영향을 짙게 받은 작품인데 카발라에서 Aztmus 는 진정한 의미에서 모든 것을 초월함. 그래서 0티어임
악질펑맨 2021-07-17 09:27:59
백색광은 진짜 ebook 찾아볼라해도 안나오던데
로그인을 하시면 댓글작성이 가능합니다.
츄잉은 가입시 개인정보를 전혀 받지 않습니다.
즐찾추가 규칙 숨덕설정 글10/댓글1
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