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뱀헌D 초월권 이유
치즈스츠 | L:0/A:0 | LV32 | Exp.41%
| 0 | 2024-06-30 19:25:02 | 269 |
[숨덕모드설정] 게시판최상단항상설정가능

영문판 기준으로 작성된 세계관 정리글:

(1-A는 개소리니 적당히 넘기셈)







울티마 질문:

"At most its users are stated to be able to "read" all of past and future through them, which is a ridiculously vague thing to infer a reality-fiction difference from, although maybe I am missing something here."


뱀헌D 업글 주체자 답변:

The users don't simply read through it, there are feats of characters using the records to alter reality. For example D used the Records to alter the events of Tyrant's stars, basically undo'ing the entire story and creating a new ending where Valcua is defeated and no one dies. The Record itself is made of Ether that can erase someone from past present and future if they were to touch it, to a point where everyone who knew that person forgets who they even were. Valcua himself also has other feats with use of the Records such as stealing powers across the timeline and giving them to himself. D Could even use the records whilst in the present to directly interact with Sue's dreams in the future, further implying it's higher dimensional existence. It's a primordial force that governs all of reality containing all of time and space, and can shape it to how the user sees fit, not just something you read through and do **** all with. 


Even if we want to say it cant be counted as a reality fiction difference, there are realms such as memory time which are above the fourth dimension and unreachable to it. And dimensions have been shown to be different levels of transcendence / higher infinities as shown when Gilzen turns someone into a 2-D being and that being cant even interact with or touch anything.


And then theres the Void Realm, which exists beyond universes and has no space-time, to where even hundreds of millions of years means nothing in the real world.



울티마 답변:

Ah, giving another read to the OP, Low 1-C seems fine to me now, given the Records encompass all of creation and are in an external realm where space-time can be shaped as a narrative from the outside. The latter bit was probably what I was missing in the first place.



울티마 답변:

Solid Low 1-C is fine by me, since from what the excerpts above say, D and the dimension in which the AR exist weren't affected in the slightest by him retconning the events of the entire novel through the latter, so the Records existing beyond space-time seems to be pretty much a given here.





앞서 소개한 우주랑 평행세계, 꿈 세계, 비존재 세계 등등 수많은 이차원들과


4차원 공간, 시간의 개념이 존쟈하지 않는 공허, 신의 세계 등 상위 차원


이 모든 것을 포함하는 아카식 레코드가 존재하는 이계



울티마가 반대했다가 찬성한 이유는 아카식 레코드가 모든 것을 포함하면서 동시에 이계에 위치하는지 몰랐기 때문이라고 함. 


아카식레코드를 통해 소설 내용에 간섭할 수 있는 것을 보아 아카식 레코드는 기존 모든 세계를 포함함다는 것을 알 수 있음 하지만 소설의 내용을 변형시켜도 아카식레코드와 그것이 존재하는 이계가 전혀 영향을 받지 않았기 때문에 아카식레코드가 기존 세계와 전혀 다른 이계에 존재한다는 것을 알 수 있었다고 함.


내가 시킨 원서에 작중 주무대가 되는 우주가 무한한다는 근거 있다고 함, 그거 무한으로 인증되면 모든 것을 기록의 형태로 포함을 통해 질적초월 + 양적초월 근거가 더 확실해질 것임


그리고 글리젠(강한 귀족)이 상대를 2차원으로 찍어냐렸을 때 상대는 원래 세계에 어떠한 간섭도 목하였다는 사실도 존재함.


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