하네코마 사나에
Sanae Hanekoma , はねこま
최근수정 2021-05-31 03:29:31
랭킹: 41826위 -7 인기도: 376 프리미엄: -62 감정가: 23
디비관리는 HELIX팀에게 도움받습니다.
성별 : 남성
생일 : 
키/몸무게 : 

Sanae Hanekoma is the self-described "dandy café owner" of WildKat. He is a valuable ally to Neku and his friends, acting like a guardian of the players, and always making sure that the game is fair and everyone follows the rules. He is also on good terms with Joshua. He was born on March 3 and has a blood type of A.

(Source: twewy.wikia.com)

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