카타노 레이치
Reichi Katano , 片野 玲一
최근수정 2013-04-23 06:24:23
랭킹: 51484위 -25 인기도: 240 프리미엄: -23 감정가: 29
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성별 : 
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키/몸무게 : 
Jangalian is stalked by his boss's daughter. His life at school always puts him in a tight spot. He likes cute things and he doesn't like people becuse he thinks they aren't cute. He runs to his room in the biology lab from the teacher's lounge and runs to his room at his house from school. He is the first person Mr. Money told about his life at home. Jangalian lets Mr. Money sleep in the biology lab from time to time. He keeps a pet hamster called "Saphire". Both him and Polaris thinks it is cute. It is hinted that he and Polaris are in an relationship nearing the end of the manga.

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