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[유희왕 ZEXAL] No.9 천개성 다이슨 스피어의 크기
반도의서민 | L:57/A:96 | LV26 | Exp.22%
| 0 | 2021-02-04 15:30:32 | 1233 |
[숨덕모드설정] 게시판최상단항상설정가능








계산식 출처: https://topstrongest.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:StrymULTRA/Yu-Gi-Oh!_Zexal:_A_number_that%27s_really_really_big


So Number 9: Dyson Sphere is an huge machine that is composed of:

  • A hollow sphere that cointains the sun
  • A base composed of 2 truncated cones that to make it simpler I'll calculate the first and I'll assume they are of the same size and shape
  • 5 "petals"
  • A huge cone under the base
  • 3 sphere-shapes satellites (but they're just rotating around so they don't count, but I'll calc their size anyway just for curiosity) 

Let's find all the sizes of the objects I've mentioned before Green line = Sun's diameter = 31 px = 1392000 kms

Red line = Hollow sphere diameter = 107 px = 4804645.61 kms

Dark Blue line = truncated cone's short base = 109.55 px = 4919148.85 kms

Light Blue line = truncated cone large base = 221.92 px = 9964924.8 kms

Purple's height = Cone's height = 23 px = 1032774.29 kms

Light Green line = First Petal base = 84.63 px = 3800160.35 kms

Blue line = Second Petal base = 169.28 px = 7601218.77 kms

Light Brown line = Petal's thickness = 2 px = 89806.46 kms

Dark Red line = Cone's base diameter = 71.59 px = 3214622.24 kms

Yellow line = Cone's height = 175.45 px = 7878271.7 kms

Dark Green line = Satellite's diameter = 26 px = 1167483.98 kms

Let's calc the volume of all of this

  • Hollow sphere volume 

To make it simpler, I'll assume that the thickness of the sphere is 1 px, aka 44903.23 kms

Volume = Surface area * Thickness = (4 * 3.14 * (4804645.61 kms/2)^2) * 44903.23 kms = 3.25484228e18 km^3

  • Base volume

Volume = 1.8658003845e20 km^3

Since the this is just half of the base:

1.8658003845e20 * 2 = 3.73160077e20 km^3

  • Petals

Base Area = ((Base1 + Base2) * Height) / 2 = ((3800160.35 + 7601218.77) * 1032774.29)/2 = 5.8875256e+12 km^2

Petal's volume = 5.8875256e+12 * 89806.46 = 5.2873783e17 km^3

All the petals toghether = 5.2873783e17 * 5 = 2.64368915e18 km^3

  • The cone under the base

Volume = (3.14 * (3214622.24/2)^2 * 7878271.7)/3 = 2.1302925e19 km^3

All the volume toghether (except the sun) is: 3.25484228e18 + 3.73160077e20 + 2.64368915e18 + 2.1302925e19 = 4.0036153e20 km^3 = 4.0036153e29 m^3

For the density I'll assume that is entirely made of Stainless Steel since most of satelites are made of that.

Mass = 4.0036153e29 m^3 * 8030 kg/m^3= 3.563217617e33 kg

Let's ass the mass of the sun.

3.563217617e33 kg + 1.989e30 kg = 3.5652066e33

So it has 1792.46184 Solar masses.

Basing on this:

6.87 * 10^41 * 1792.46184 = 1.23142128e45 Joule / 12.31 FOE (Solar System+ level)





계산식은 잘 모르겠는데 대충 태양계급 이상이라네요.

이것도 쓸 수 있나요?

[숨덕모드설정] 게시판최상단항상설정가능
pop 2021-02-04 15:33:14
저 안에있는게 실제 태양이라면 가능할수도
반도의서민 [L:57/A:96] 2021-02-04 15:38:24
제대로 된 설정은 안 나왔지만 작중에서 사용자인 V가 태양조차 뒤덮는 초거대 몬스터라는 언급을 하기는 합니다.

맨 윗짤은 애니메이션에서 나온 건데, 솔리드 비전 영상으로 구현된 거라 실제 태양보다는 한참 작게 나옵니다.

계산은 카드 일러스트로 한 모양입니다.
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공격력은 실제 힘이랑 관계없지만요 ㅋㅋㅋ
로그인을 하시면 댓글작성이 가능합니다.
츄잉은 가입시 개인정보를 전혀 받지 않습니다.
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