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엔릴 우투 떡락했네
요한기명 | L:0/A:0 | LV33 | Exp.45%
| 0 | 2021-04-22 12:31:22 | 259 |
[숨덕모드설정] 게시판최상단항상설정가능

Utu and Enlil. Primarily because they only appeared in a single page and I was little unsure of how they fit in the story.

It's possible that the story is just a lie by Utnapishtim, or its just a metaphor and is not meant to be taken literally. Or maybe it does fit, the Unwritten is a story about stories and the Epic of Gilgamesh is the oldest know fictional story so its possible that the Leviathan did originate in that story, that like the story of Moby Dick it has a metaphysical reason to exist in the "pantheon of history" if Moby Dick is the place where the Leviathan can be healed then its possible that the Epic of Gilgamesh is the story where it can be killed or where it originated

Gross: And we tried to suggest in the last issue by going back to it that one of the reasons "Moby Dick" exists is almost to serve as a place where Leviathan can be healed over and over again. Mike put a great line in there: "[It's] the only story where the whale wins." There is almost a metaphysical reason for Moby Dick to exist in the pantheon of literature.

There's just too little information regarding the Sumerian Gods that I think its best to delete the profiles.



레비아탄은 잘 모르겠는데 엔릴우투는 너무 적고 레비아탄보다 딸린다는 이야기도 나오고 해서 그냥 삭제됬구만

[숨덕모드설정] 게시판최상단항상설정가능
요한기명 2021-04-22 12:32:11
엔>우>레에서 그냥 엔우 자체가 빠졌노
넷마블 [L:40/A:598] 2021-04-22 12:37:16
그냥 문서내용적다고 빠진건가
요한기명 2021-04-22 12:39:31
그것뿐만은 아닌듯 누구는 레비아탄>엔릴우투라고 그러고 그냥 명확한 수준 측정 불가인듯
마리오 [L:33/A:602] 2021-04-22 12:44:42
이제 레비아탄이 h1a 짱 먹는건가? ㅋㅋ
요한기명 2021-04-22 14:24:52
조우텐치 2021-04-22 13:20:24
파천한테 물어본 적 있었는데 진정한 레비아탄이 엔릴, 우투보다 쎄다한 걸로 기억함.
레비아탄을 우투가 창조했다는 건 신화에서 나오는 이야기? 라는 듯
요한기명 2021-04-22 14:24:46
나도 그런거같음
Amadis 2021-04-22 14:17:47
너무 마이너해서 삭제됨 같은 이유로 백색광이랑 deluge of the abyss 얘네들도 없어짐
요한기명 2021-04-22 14:24:35
마이너랑 별개로 논란되서 그런듯
단지 한페이지 나오고 레비아탄보다 세다는 평가가 거짓이었던듯
로그인을 하시면 댓글작성이 가능합니다.
츄잉은 가입시 개인정보를 전혀 받지 않습니다.
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