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하야타신 | L:0/A:0 | LV24 | Exp.87%
| 0 | 2021-01-26 13:00:43 | 283 |
[숨덕모드설정] 게시판최상단항상설정가능

Tiering: At least High 3-A | 1-A

Verse: Chinese Mythology

Name: Sun Wukong (孫悟空), Son Goku (Japanese Pronunciation), Stone Monkey (Shí Hóu / 石猴), The Handsome Monkey King (Měi Hóuwáng / 美猴王 ), Bìmǎwēn (弼馬溫), The Great Sage Equal to Heaven (Qítiān Dàshèng / 齊天大聖), The Buddha of Victorious Fighting (Dòu-zhànshèng-fó / 鬥戰勝佛)

Gender: Male

Age: Over 920 Years at the beginning of Journey to the West | Unknown

Classification: Spiritual Primate | Buddha

Special Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Type 1), Energy Manipulation/Light Manipulation, Flight, Shapeshifting, Cloning/Multiplication, Size-Shifting, Magic User, Invisibility, Teleportation, Paralysis, Weather/Wind Manipulation, Immunity to Fire and Water, Barriers, Can Break any Lock, Resurrection(One life for each of his 72 transformations) | All previous powers on a Massively Higher scale, Immortality (Types 1 and 4, unable of being killed by the Jade Emperor), capable of seeing through any disguise, illusion or transformation | Non-Corporeal, Reality Warping, Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Acausality, Immortality (Types 1, 3, and 4), Physics Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation, Life & Death Manipulation, Void Manipulation, Transdualism, Omnipresence, Nigh Omniscience

Destructive Ability: At least High Universe Level (Defeated over 600 thousand pantheons of gods some of which were the embodiments of 28 Constellations. Able to lift the entire Milky Way Galaxy which in mythology was considered infinite in size and infinitely expanding) | Metaverse Level (He managed to achieve Nirvana which according to Buddhist teachers is transcendence of all concepts and boundaries and ascension to a state of absolute boundlessness existing outside of all of existence, all concepts and dimensions)

Speed: Infinite (Crossed the entire Milky Way Galaxy in seconds and even lifted it atop his head. The Milky Way in mythology was considered to be infinite in size and infinitely expanding.) | Omnipresent (When you achieve Nirvana, you encompass and become with all of existence itself)

Lifting Ability: At least High Universal | Irrelevant

Striking Ability: High Universal Class (Lifted the entire Milky Way Galaxy atop his head which was infinite in size and infinitely expanding according to Taoism teachings and Mythology, defeated an entire pantheon of gods that embodied over 28 constellations) | Metaversal (As a Nirvana user his existence has transcended absolutely everything possible and exists merely as a boundless entity free of limitation, boundaries, and concepts as to Nirvana these things are mini obstacles in life)

Durability: At least High Universe Level or Universe Level+ through Immortality (Incapable of being killed by any deity, not even by the Jade Emperor himself) | Metaverse Level (Is free of all limitation and Boundaries as Nirvana is the state of absolute transcendence)

Stamina: Nigh-Infinite | Irrelevant

Range: Extended Melee Range Normally, Variable with Transformations and Ruyi Jingu Bang (Capable of growing up to 20 Miles in Height, his staff can expand infinitely) | Metaversal

Intelligence: Quite High. A master of virtually all forms of martial arts. Trained under the supreme Taoist sage Subodhi for 20 years | Nigh-Omniscient (Knows everything there is to know as Nirvana allows the user to know nearly all there is to know in existence)

Weaknesses: Sun Wukong often fools around and rarely takes his opponents seriously. Can be sealed by High-Ranking deities such as Guan Yin

Versions: Base Form | Achieving Nirvana (Buddhahood)

[숨덕모드설정] 게시판최상단항상설정가능
마카베P [L:6/A:796] 2021-01-26 22:27:17
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